Panel 1: Projections of Indigeneity
Indigenous Brazilians: media misrepresentation in the land of Carnival and Soap Operas
Presenter: Patricia Branco Cornish
The Role of Indigenous Traditional Art and its Transformation into Film Presenter: Jumanah Abualkhair
Panel 2: Appropriation and Misrepresentations
(Re)Politicizing the Boundaries and Representations Between Indigenous Knowledge and Science
Presenter: Anna Nguyen
Raising the Stakes: Cultural appropriation of Indigenous narratives in Canadian book publishing
Presenter: Smriti Bansal
Feathers and Femininity: Instagram and Cultural Appropriation at Burning Man
Presenter: Fanny Gravel-Patry
Panel 3: Indigenous Digital Activism
Print No More: Aboriginal Activism in the Digital Age
Presenter: Miriam Saslove
#IndigenousWomenRise: Hashtags as Discursive Tools for Indigenous Feminism
Presenter: Nina Morena
#Sealfie: The Inuit Response to Anti-Sealing Media Campaigns
Presenter: Tom Hackbarth
Panel 4: Other Sides of Indigeneity
Self-Representations and the Sacred: Negotiating Identity in Indigenous Media
Presenter: Shanae Blaquiere
Playing Indians: Indigenous Self-Representation and Videogame Development
Presenter: Maize Longboat
Virtual Reality and The Highway of Tears: Staged Empathy as a Framing Device
Presenter: Bradley Peppinck
Lightning Talks
Zeina Ismail Allouche
INDI PhD Student
“Forced Separation as Perceived by Adoptees in the Light of the Indigenous Peoples Legacy.”
Warren Linds
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University
“Widening the Angle: Film as Alternative Pedagogy for Wellness in Aboriginal Youth”